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Fast, free and easy to transfer all files to any device. Sharing without limitation.Support all formatsYou can transfer photos, videos, apps and documents etc. Share whatever you want.
Wireless and freeNo need mobile data, Internet or cable. No need to register. Totally free.
Group shareCreate a group and invite friends. Share files to all of them in one time. No repeat operation.
Fast and safeTransfer a 1G video can be finished in 2 minutes. The fastest speed is 20M/s. Files will only be sent to the connected devices.
More connection ways and platformsYou can connect devices by hotspot, QR code or web page. Transfer files to phones, tablet, PC, within android, IOS and Windows.
---Feature---Transfer filesReceive filesSupport all file formatsGroup shareFast and easyWirelessScan QR code to shareConnect by hotspotWeb shareCross platform
More features are coming. Welcome to send us feedback.
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